Friday, May 22, 2020
Honore de Balzac and Gustave Flauberts Writings on...
Honore de Balzac and Gustave Flauberts Writings on Capitalism The Revolution in France, during the 19th century, gave power to the people for the first time in France. French citizens now had faith that they could form a strong, independent country; but what they did not realize was that there must be some form of financial or monetary backbone present for a country to excel on its own in the modern world. This gave way to the rise of capitalism and all its follies, debaucheries, and mainly the exploitive nature it excites in people. Two authors, who were writing and observing these changes during this time in France, Honore de Balzac, and Gustave Flaubert, exemplify the demoralization of a people caused by the onslaught of†¦show more content†¦Eugene’s actions are exploitive because he has no regard for the well-being of his family by asking for their life-savings. Eugene also does not take into account how he is going to recover the sums he unethically acquires. However, capitalism’s influence does not stop with Eu gene in this instance. The idea of needing expensive clothes and flashy attire influences his sister Laura that she should use her sewing and clothes making skills in order to save Eugene some money, and therefore have a better chance of Parisian high society accepting him. Eugene says that his sister has â€Å"become as crafty as a thief†(87), which comments on the changes within her caused by the minute exposure to modern, capitalistic, ideals. However, really Laura is stealing from herself by willingly exploiting her own labor without compensation of any sort. Here, along with the ever-present portrayal of Goriot’s daughters bamboozling him for money, Balzac illustrates the most pathetic and demoralizing form of exploitation: when one exploits or unfairly takes advantage of their own family in a way that can lead them to starvation or even death. Pere Goriot and Eugene are not only involved with family exploitation, but they are also taking advantage of each other in hopes of gaining
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Digital Piracy and Jewish Law Essay - 2268 Words
The rapid development of technology over the past few centuries has certainly left an impact on the world of halacha ¸ or Jewish Law. Poskim, the formulators of the halacha, have had to make decisions on a variety of topics to accommodate fast-paced advancements in areas ranging from travel (When does one crossing the International Date Line celebrate a holiday?) to home appliances (Under what circumstances may one use a refrigerator on the Sabbath?). One issue that has been particularly relevant in recent years is that of digital piracy. The ubiquity of personal computers, the Internet, and the spread of peer-to-peer programs like Napster and BitTorrent have made a never-ending stream of media accessible to many Orthodox Jews.†¦show more content†¦Shiyur In an article published in Techumin, an Israeli halachic journal, Rabbi Zalman Nehemiah Goldberg, rosh yeshiva of Sadigua and the Jerusalem College of Technology, deals with a particular set of questions involving the legality of making unauthorized copies of audio cassettes. To answer these questions, Rabbi Goldberg writes a detailed analysis of a novel approach to the issue of copyright: shiyur. To understand the legal concept of shiyur, Rabbi Goldberg describes a case from the Talmud. This case involves a person who gives a coin to a poor man, stating that he may only buy a shirt with the money. The poor man is not legally permitted to purchase anything other than a shirt. The Talmud explains that this case is an application of the rule of â€Å"whoever violates the wishes of the [original] owner is considered a thief†(Bava Metzia 78a). But what exactly is the poor man stealing? Rabbi Goldberg first presents the possibility that he is stealing the coin, as he only acquires the money on the condition that he will buy a shirt with it. Once that condition is not fulfilled, the acquisition is retroactively undone, making the poor man a thief. Rabbi Goldberg rejects this possibility on technical grounds that are beyond the scope of this paper. Rabbi Goldberg concludes that when the poor man buys something other than a shirt, he is actually stealing the right toShow MoreRelatedThe Censorship of Art Essay example14698 Words  | 59 Pagesand rock music since the founding of the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) in 1985. I. SETTING THE STAGE: THE PARENTS, THE SENATE, THE LABEL Concerns over rock ‘n’ roll music have lead to public debate, political and legal actions, and law enforcement activities ever since its invention in 1955 (Jones 1991:75-76; McDonald 1988a:294-302). However, since the formation of the PMRC in 1985, a new, more organized and systematic attack to control popular music has been launched. 1. TheRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words  | 269 Pagesaccountability. The advent of social networking and other media has transformed the way citizens interact and how businesses market, promote, and distribute their products globally. The same can be said for mass collaboration efforts occurring through digital, online technology for the development of new and innovative systems, products, and ideas. Both social networking and mass collaboration bring new power and influence to individuals across borders and transform the nature of their relationships withRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesFlorence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Michael Adas, ed., Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History Jack Metzgar, Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered Janis Appier, Policing Women: The Sexual Politics of Law Enforcement and the LAPD Allen Hunter, ed., Rethinking the Cold War Eric Foner, ed., The New American History. Revised and Expanded Edition E SSAYS ON _ T WENTIETH- C ENTURY H ISTORY Edited by Michael Adas for the American
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
7 C’s of Effective Business Communication Free Essays
7 C’s Of Effective Business Communication PRINCIPLE OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION – 7C’S To compose effective written or oral messages, you must apply certain communication principles. These principles provide guideline for choice of content and style of presentation, adapted to the purpose and receiver of your message. These principles are not only limited to a sentence level, they are also applicable to all forms of communications, from mere utterances and sentences to complete documents or presentations. We will write a custom essay sample on 7 C’s of Effective Business Communication or any similar topic only for you Order Now To some extent the principles overlap because they are based on a common concern for the audience, whether that audience consists of listeners or readers. These principles are called â€Å"Seven C’s†, these are completeness, conciseness, consideration, concreteness, clarity, courtesy, and correctness. The Seven C’s are as follows: 1) Completeness Message Receiver- either listener or reader, desire complete information to their question. e. g. suppose you are working with multinational company who is engaging with engineering goods, like A. C. Now let say one of your major customer wants some technical information regarding â€Å"thermostat†(because he wants to convey the same to the end users). In this case you have to provide him complete information in a short span of time. If possible, provide him some extra information which he does not know, in this way you can maintain a good business relation with him, otherwise he may switch to another company. Five W’s: One way to make your message complete is to answer the five W’s. †¢? WHO†¢? WHAT†¢? WHEN†¢? WHERE†¢? WHY The five question method is useful when you write requests, announcements, or other informative messages. For instance, to order (request) merchandise, make clear WHAT you want, WHEN u need it, WHERE it is to be sent. 2) Conciseness Conciseness means â€Å"convey the message by using fewest words†. â€Å"Conciseness is the prerequisite to effective business communication. †As you know that all businessmen have very short time. Hence a concise message saves the time and expenses for both the parties. How to achieve the conciseness? For achieving the conciseness you have to consider the following. 1. Avoid wordy expression 2. Include only relevant material 3. Avoid unnecessary repetition. Avoid Wordy Expression E. g. Wordy: – at this time. Instead of â€Å"at this time†you can just use only a concise word: – NOW, Always try to use â€Å"To the point Approach†in business scenario perspective. Include only relevant information †¢? Always try to provide only relevant information to the receiver of the message. Let’s say one of your customers requested †¢? For clients of the company o in reply you should provide simply list of clients at the panel of your company. o No need to provide detailed business information about client at all. †¢? Observe the following suggestions to â€Å"Include only relevant information. †¢? Stick to the purpose of message Delete irrelevant words Avoid long introduction, unnecessary explanation etc. Get to the important point concisely. Avoid un-necessary Repetition Sometimes repetition is necessary for focusing some special issue. But when the same thing is said without two or three reasons, the message becom e wordy and boring. That’s why try to avoid Un-necessary repetition. Some ways to eliminate unnecessary words Use shorter name after you have mentioned the long once. e. g. Spectrum communications Private limited use spectrum. Use pronouns or initials E. . Instead of world trade organization use WTO or You can use IT for Information Technology. (Keeping in views that receiver knows about these terms) 3. Consideration Consideration means – To consider the receiver’s Interest/Intention. It is very important in effective communication while writing a message you should always keep in mind your target group consideration is very important â€Å"C†among all the seven C’s. Three specific ways to indicate consideration †¢? Focus on â€Å"you†instead of â€Å"I†or â€Å"We††¢? Show audience benefit or interest of the receiver †¢? Emphasize positive, pleasant facts. Using â€Å"you†help you, but over use lead a negative reaction. Always write a message in such a way how audience should be benefited from it. †¢? We attitude: â€Å"I am delighted to announce that we will extend to make shopping more. ††¢? You attitude: â€Å"You will be able to shop in the evening with the extended hours. †Readers may react positively when benefit are shown to them. Always try to address his/her need and want. Always show/write to reader†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ what has been done so far as his/her query is concerned. And always avoid that his/her need and wants. Always avoid that has not been done so far. 4. Concreteness It means that message should be specific instead of general. Misunderstanding of words creates problems for both parties (sender and receiver). When you talk to your client always use facts and figures instead of generic or irrelevant information. The following guidelines should help you to achieve the Concreteness. †¢? Use specific facts and figures †¢? choose image building words e. g General He is very intelligent student of class and stood first in the class. e. g. Ali’s GPA in B. Sc Electrical Engineering 2k3-f session was 3. 5/4. 0; he stood first in his class. Always write on a very solid ground. It should definitely create good image as well. 5. Clarity Accurately is purpose of clarity In effective business communication the message should be very much clear. So that reader can understand it easily. You should always choose precise words. Always choose familiar and easy words. Construct effective sen tences and paragraphs. In business communication always use precise words rather longer statements. If you have a choice between long words and shorter one, always use shorter one. You should try your level best to use familiar/easy to understand words so that your reader will quickly understand it. Familiar Next familiar words 1-after subsequent 2-home domicile 3-for example e. g. 4-pay remuneration 5-invoice statement for payments 6. Courtesy Knowing your audience allows you to use statements of courtesy; be aware of your message receiver. True courtesy involves being aware not only of the perspective of others, but also their feelings. Courtesy stems from a sincere you-attitude. It is not merely politeness with mechanical insertions of â€Å"please†and â€Å"Thank you†. Although Appling socially accepted manners is a form of courtesy. Rather, it is politeness that grows out respect and concern for others. Courteous communication generates a special tone in their writing and speaking. How to generate a Courteous Tone? The following are suggestions for generating a courteous tone: Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and appreciative. Use expressions that show respect for the others Choose nondiscriminatory expressions be sincerely Tactful, Thoughtful and Appreciative Though few people are intentionally abrupt or blunt, these negative traits are common cause of discourtesy. Avoid expression like those in the left hand column below; rephrase them as shown in the right-hand column. Tactless, Blunt More Tactful Stupid letter; I can’t understand I should understand it, as there is no confusing word in this Letter, could you please explain it once again? It’s your fault, you did not properly Sometimes my wording is not precise; let me try again read my latest FAX. Thoughtfulness and Appreciation Writers who send cordial, courteous messages of deserved congratulations and appreciation (to a person inside outside) help to build goodwill. The alue of goodwill or public esteem for the firm may be worth thousands of dollars. 7. Correctness At the core of correctness are the proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. However, message must be perfect grammatically and mechanically. The term correctness, as applied to business messages also mean three characteristics o Use the right level of language o Check the accuracy of figures, facts and words o M aintain acceptable writing mechanics. Use the right Level of Language We suggest that there are three level of language 1. Formal 2. Informal 3. Substandard. Take a quick guess: What kind of writing is associated with each level? What is the style of each? Formal and Informal Words Formal writing is often associated with scholarly writing: doctoral dissertations, scholarly, legal documents, top-level government agreements and other material where formality is demanded. Informal writing is more characteristic of business writing. Here you use words that are short, well-known and conversational as in this comparison list: More Formal Less Formal Participate Join Endeavor try Ascertain find out Utilize Use Interrogate question. Substandard Language Avoid substandard language. Using correct words, incorrect grammar, faulty pronunciation all suggest as inability to use good English. Some examples follow: Substandard More Acceptable Ain’t isn’t, aren’t Can’t hardly can hardly Aim to proving ai m to prove Desirous to desirous of Stoled stolen. Facts and Figures Accuracy Check Accuracy of Facts, Figures and words it is impossible to convey meaning precisely, through words, from the head of the sender to a receiver. Our goal is to be as precise as possible, which means checking and double-checking and double-checking to ensure that the figures, facts and words you use are correct. A good check of your data is to have another person read and comment on the validity of the material††¢? Figures and facts †¢? Verify your statistical data †¢? Double-check your totals †¢? Avoid guessing at laws that have an impact on you, the sender and your †¢? Have someone else read your message if the topic involves data. †¢? Determine whether a â€Å"fact†has changed over time. Proper Use of Confusing Words! Our Language (Any) is constantly changing. In fact, even dictionaries cannot keep up with rapid change in our language. The following words often confusing in usage, an is used before consonants and consonants sounds or a long†u†sound. Use an before vowels. Accept, except accept is a verb and means to receive. Except is a verb or a preposition and relates to omitting or leaving out. Anxious, eager Anxious implies worry, eager conveys keen desire. CONCLUSION These 7 C’s help a person to compose a message in such a way that brings back the positive feedback from the receivers. That’s why it is advice able for everyone to understand and apply these 7C’s whether he is a teacher, doctor, businessman or a student. How to cite 7 C’s of Effective Business Communication, Essay examples
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