Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Effects Of Advertising On Children s Life - 991 Words
Advertising is seen to really affect families and tries to control every ones lives. Advertising is very harmful because it puts the world in a competition to see who can get the most quality and quantity stuff. This vast majority of marketing in the media is basically a slap in the face saying you aren’t good or pretty enough. There is always some new gadget that can make you popular or pretty, maybe lose weight and everyone is so caught up in fame and glory they listen. People try to out do their friends and family even with the hot new product on the market even if they have the same thing just not as new. Children get so caught up and addicted with TV shows and reality TV that it causes conflict in the household. Children see how much famous kids get away with and test their parents. The media plays such a huge role is everyone’s life and although it is not all bad it causes many problems. Advertising and media was good when it was small, when TV shows didn’t become a hassle because of the 15-minute commercials trying to sell you something new every 2 seconds. Their use to be good entertaining TV shows that brought families together to laugh and enjoy. It brings you information on what is going on around you and around the world. Advertising industries ruined all the positive things that television brought. Advertising definitely has its benefits and helps some more then others but it needs to be toned down. Everything around us does not need to be someone promoting orShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of Advertising For Children1731 Words  | 7 Pages Congratulations, it s a †¦ Consumer! The Ethics of Advertising to Children Ishaaq Beg ENG4U Ms. Lodi October 22nd 2015 Ishaaq Beg Ms. Lodi ENG4U October 22nd 2015 Advertising to Children â€Å"The consumer embryo begins to develop during the first year of existence. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Tesla Internal Combustion Engine and Electric Vehicle Free Essays
Situation Analysis Tesla Motors incorporated is recognized as a leader in quality innovation for its electric powertrain engineering, performance and battery technology. Tesla was founded in 2003 with a conceptual thought of a fully electric, lithium ion powered vehicle that is eco-friendly, aesthetic appealing and a premier performance competitor. Their business plan was simple and had three steps. We will write a custom essay sample on Tesla: Internal Combustion Engine and Electric Vehicle or any similar topic only for you Order Now First, develop a high-end performance sports car to prove that electric vehicle (EV) were both cool and feasible and also can product economically. Second, develop luxury sedan/SUV that would compete with high-end brands like Mercedes, Audi and BMW. Third, mass produce low cost electric vehicles to compete in general category. In 2004, the company raised initial venture capital, while designing their first vehicle, the â€Å"Roadster†, later that year. Initially, the company was primarily funded my Elon Musk and other venture capital investors. The pooled funds fell short of the capital needed to fund the manufacturing facility and the latest Model S project. In 2009 Daimler bought preferred stock in Tesla for $50M and in 2010 Toyota invested $50M and Panasonic $30M in stock options. Three months after the Model S unveiling the Department of Energy announced in Jan 2010 that it would loan Tesla $465 million to bring the sedan to market as part of the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program, other major manufacturer received substantially higher loan amounts, Ford was awarded $5. 9 billion, and Nissan got $1. 6 billion . In 2010 company acquired New United Motor Manufacturing Inc (NUMMI) factory in Fremont, California, which was developed as joint manufacturing facility between GM and Toyota. It’s a 5. 5 million square feet plant and contains plastics molding factory, two paint facilities, 1. miles of assembly lines, and a 50-megawatt power plant . Tesla Motors Company is trying to transform the future of electric cars by providing new meaning to fully electric vehicles as not just only eco-friendly but also attractive and fun to drive. Most other companies tried and introduced all electric vehicles in late last century but none was able to mass produce it economically. Tesla Motors has sold over 2300 Roadster across the world, delivered its first Model S in June 2012 and is currently building its electric sedan at a rate of 80 per week rate (Sep 2012). This vehicle completely set itself apart from its competitor with its efficiency, performance and technology breakthroughs. The company plans is to build 5,000 by the end of 2012 and increase its production to 20,000 cars in 2013. Being a small and startup player in electric auto industry, Tesla Motors has freedom to build the sales model from ground zero that’s very untraditional. Forget traditional dealerships, their Tesla’s main sales locations are in malls and their cars are delivered directly to customers. 2. 1 Market Summary Why electric vehicle? Rising gasoline prices, depleting oil reserves, growing pollution, increasing environment awareness, is creating the market for clean and efficient vehicles. There’s no doubt in my mind that in near future this will become the preferred mode of transportation across the world. Currently EV technology is at its infancy but commitment from government and manufacturer will soon take it to next level by building the infrastructure for next generation vehicles. 2. 1. 1 Market Demographics a)Geographics Tesla Motors is a California based company that currently operates in Northa America, Europe, and Japan. All sales are handled through its headquarters in North America, with brokerage service centers located in major metropolitan areas, such as Paris, London, Munich and Tokyo. Tesla has a minute number of stores, when compared to other automobile competitors. A large portion of Tesla’s sales are handled online, which minimializes costs, and adds to the company’s overall efficiency. Shopping malls, in upscale city centers, in addition to affluent regions of the country that with have a high technological demandappreciate the latest technological developments, are among a few other key points the company considers when entering a new market. With gas prices continuing to move upwards, Tesla’s sale centers will most likely spreadfan to less populated regions as the demand for more economically efficient vehicle increases. b)Demographics Targeted customers are educated affluentrich males who are early adopters in their 30s, 40s, and 50s+ who are in market for performance sports car with pricing range $50,000 and up . c)Psychographics Environmentally conscious customers who want great performance car with zero tailpipe emission manufactured and assembled in U. S. d)Behaviors Model S will provide customers the option who want alternative to traditional gasoline engine sports performance car with next generation technology. 2. 1. 2 Market Needs Electric Vehicle (EVs) technology presents a ready, viable and clear way to reduce our emissions. also tTheir design is very simple compared to other conventional gasoline power automobiles as they don’t need traditional drive shafts and gear box to transform the power from engine to wheel. EVs have electric motor directly coupled to drive wheels, which is powered by rechargeable battery packs. EVs have some key advantages over internal combustion engines . †¢Electric vehicle efficiency is 3. 75 times that of internal combustion engine. †¢Eco-friendly as no tailpipe gases output. †¢Very smooth operation due lack of gear box. †¢Quiet driving experience. 2. 1. 3 Market Trends In 2011, the total sales of electric vehicles reached 18,000, with the help of GM’s Volt and Nissan’s Leaf. When comparing the 2011 U. S. total sales for each electric vehicle manufacturer, with the 2012 sales forecast, the growth potential looks quite impressive. Expectations are assumed to increase upwards to 300% year over year . According to â€Å"Global United States Electric Vehicles Market Forecast Opportunities, 2017†the electric vehicle market will witness phenomenal growth in the near future . In 2011 total global revenue from this market was close to 54 Billion USD, showing some promise for environmentally friendly vehicles. For the most part, consumers are cautious when a unique product is introduced to the market. As more electric cars are introduced, consumer confidence will rise, assuming the quality is still maintained. Tesla has a worldwide presence, which means economies, foreign and abroad, need be taken into consideration. The 2013 worldwide trend for auto manufacturing will be incorporating efficiency and connectivity in current and new vehicle models. Electric vehicle design and creation came in third on the auto industries radar. The economic conditions worldwide pose some risk to the automotive industry. When looking at GDP for developed market, aggregately, it has been on a declining more then increasing since 2006. With the contraction, comes a fiscal squeeze to the consumers’ disposable income. In tangentConsequently, inessential items, such as performance electric vehicles, are put lower on consumer demand list. This section should include some information in all the subcategories listed. Demographic trends: Babyboomers have more disposable income than Gen X and Gen Y. There are lots of sources of that. Technological: Include some information about expensive technological innovations consumers have accepted such as iPads, LCD TVs, etc. While many people in the U. S. are suffering from the effects of the recession, others are able to buy expensive technologies for their personal enjoyment. Cultural: Increase in environmental awareness. Lots of articles about that. Regulatory: Tax breaks for electric cars. Economic: Not everyone has been equally affected by the recession. The increase in the cost of gasoline provides an incentive to choose more fuel efficient vehicles. 2. 1. 4 Market Growth All major automakers are preparing to launch electric and hybrid vehicle in wide-range of categories in next five years. The market for electric vehicle will be very competitive and depend upon economy and primarily on gasoline price. Model S fills a void in current luxury market for electric vehicle as currently there’s no real competitive product out in market to compete that could match its performance, style and efficiency. Overall cost of ownership will definitely draw buyers from similar priced gasoline models from BMW, Mercedes and Audi. Model S looks out to be a successful product as company has sold out Model S production orders for 2012 year. Projected market growth for next 4 years. Source: CSM Auto and J. P. Morgan 2. 2 Competition Tesla Model S is designed to position as high-tech luxury sedan car that deliver the sports performance without compromising it efficiency while maintaining zero tailpipe emission. Model S will also challenge the traditional dealership sales model as its based upon Apple retail approach that position the company as independent and innovative. Tesla will compete with all other EVs, hybrid and also gasoline vehicles in automobile market. Overall in current luxury market its competitors will be Audi, BMW and Mercedes. While Tesla has no direct competitors at this time, some prestigious automakers have achieved remarkable levels of fuel efficiency. You need to look at some of the German car makes such as BMW and Audi. You should also see what electric cars are being planned for the future. 2. 3 SWOT 2. 3. 1 Strength’s Tesla is currently one of the only high performance electric vehicles on the market, with exception to the Fisker Karma, allowing for the company to be first in line for consumers as well as investors. Being that it is the first of its kind; the company has attracted a number of young, talented engineers, a highly qualified CEO, and a number of interested third parties. With a Department of Energy loan, helping subsidize its facility, and orders piling up, the company is not short on market orders. Tesla has already established a worldwide presence with dealerships located in many of the major cities. The product itself is fully customizable, allowing each individual consumer to have a hand in the overall process at a price that rivals other premier sports vehicles such as Porsche, Mercedes and BMW. 2. . 2 Weakness’s The company itself is young and thus holds some immaturity in the automobile market today. It has 24 locations in North America and an additional 14 worldwide . It plans to open an additional 10 stores this coming year with costs estimated at $500,000- $1,000,000 depending on the market. One key disadvantage to the automobile maker is its unreliable cash flow. T he current roadster model is too expensive for the average consumer, and in the current economic environment sales are essential. With additional capital flowing into store construction, future earnings could be affected downward. The low availability of electric charging stations. 2. 3. 3 Opportunities The Model S is the next generation of Tesla Motors incorporated. The lower price point, starting at $49,900, is much more attractive to the average consumer. The Model S has opened additional doors for Tesla; on March of 2012, Athlon Leasing signed an agreement to purchase 150 vehicles for its inventory across Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands. Once acquired, 50% of Athlon’s Model S inventories were immediately put on hold by their consumers . Consumers today are more aware of their individual carbon footprint and are thus in search of a more sustainable option when it comes to vehicles. With future technology being smaller, faster and cheaper, we can expect the charge rate for the lithium-ion technology to improve, becoming more attractive to your distant commuter and or additional energy sources to be invented. As of now, there is a 300 mile cap on the new Model S. Assuming our economy continues to rely on foreign oil supply and not up our efforts in North America; the price of gasoline is expected to climb above and beyond inflation. INSERT GRAPH) As the cost of owning a hybrid, and or full combustion vehicle trends upward due to the gasoline variable, you’ll see a shift from these vehicles to full electric due to the foregone opportunity. Tesla is also looking to develop additional models at lower price points. They have and SUV, the Model X, which isn’t cheaper, but on the right track to consumer needs w ith expanding their inventory. Lastly, Tesla Motors incorporated not only looks to be branded by as an auto manufacturer, but also as a resource to other industry leaders. It currently supplies electric powertrains to other automakers, including Toyota for its RAV4 Electric. It is also working with SolarCity, another company Musk has invested in, to supply batteries to back up WalMart’s solar panels at 90 stores . 2. 3. 4Threats Other companies will be Tesla’s biggest threat. With consumer demand continuing to grow for a low cost, fully electric vehicle option, it’s only a matter of time before major auto manufacturers such as Ford, General Motors, Nissan, and Toyota enter the market. With visible market share already present, this poses a huge threat to Tesla’s continued demand and thus bottom line. The comparable expected production from these major automakers will be more expensive than average gasoline fueled vehicles, but all less than the Model S. Elon Musk stated, â€Å"We can show that it’s technologically possible to other manufacturers. If Tesla doesn’t make it I hope we have nonetheless served that purpose. I don’t want to sound dour but it’s definitely going to be a tough six months. †In addition, there are some possible downsides to using a fully electric vehicle. One, being if the Model S is left uncharged for greater than 11 weeks and the battery itself is rendered useless. Not covered under warranty, this could pose some issues for major rental arenas such as airports, who do not have the charging capacity for their entire inventory. Once the battery is discharged, it is rendered useless and would need to be replaced in order for the vehicle to be fully operational. The costs to maintenance in replacing the lithium ion battery can be upwards to $40,000 per vehicle . Two, manufacturing and labor costs, inefficient production and high prices for parts, could shy investor and consumers from the company as a whole. On that note, TSLA shares fell 9. 78%, after possible sale rumors surfaced, and ill production numbers hit for the third quarter 2012 for Tesla Motors incorporated. With this lowered guidance, expected gross margins could be impacted negatively due to the Model S delivery limitations. A total of 2,700 to 3,250 units are expected to be produced, down from the previous expectation of 5,000. Consumers may find the inefficient use of capital a point of weakness in the young company, and thus hold off on purchases until Tesla maturity is rendered. How to cite Tesla: Internal Combustion Engine and Electric Vehicle, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Job Satisfaction, Work Attitude free essay sample
As stated by Black (2001), teachers’ stress is rising due to such factors as greater time constraints, low salaries, excessive work overloads, lack of involvement in decision – making and problems with school disciplines. Teachers suffer, due to in part of to the low-pay-high-cost-of-living gap. Decisions handed from the top down leave teachers feeling like more trainers than educators. Teaching in low performing schools should be a rewarding experience, yet these schools are labelled failures. These are confounded as some educators are seen publicly lambasting others. The education community is on edge. With all the finger pointing and name calling, it is a wonder teacher can push this negativism out of their minds while they turn their full attention on their students (Nichols, 2006). Furthermore, a nationwide survey conducted by the Rural Editorial Service of the University of Chicago reported in July 2006 that job satisfaction depends also such factors as the community’s attitude toward them and the schools, the quality of educational leadership, the amount of responsibility granted to teachers, adequate housing facilities, teacher welfare benefits, and others. In point of fact, there were signal improvements in teachers’ conditions of service throughout the year. New or liberalized retirement plans were authorized by well over half the states, and class registrations were reduced to thirty in Maryland and Arkansas. In the Philippines, one of the major problems in the Department of Education is the shortage of trained and competent teachers. Major reason of this shortfall is that a number of trained teachers turn to other types of employment and some went abroad for greater employment opportunity. Generally, as observed that some teachers are disillusioned, demoralized and confused at being forced to carry out unpopular Government policies, while being constantly blamed for the society’s ills. Some factors might have created dissatisfaction amongst teachers will probably include references to discipline problems created by unruly pupils, class sizes, the introduction of the National Curriculum, and lowered professional status. Additional factors also include level of salaries and benefits, increased work-related pressures, like having too many forms to be filled up, the here and now changes of different proposed programs of the department, the concern over employment security like the most recently problem on the Government Security Insurance System (GSIS) and lessening support for education on the part of political opportunities. As someone who has spent many years working as a schoolteacher at the same time a School In – charge in one of the schools in Davao City, and had continually work closely with teachers especially in the schools in the interland. I have observe that some teachers are somewhat fed up with having to teach children in even larger classes, working in schools which are dilapidated, underfunded and overstretched. Taking in to account that most of these teachers are working away from their home and family and could only go home weekly, or the least once a month due to the distance of the schools they are assigned. However, districts located in the hinterland such as Paquibato, had most number of teacher applicants every year. Reason of this scenario could be the fact that many teachers are applying for transfer to the nearby schools after a one or two years of service and that applicant could be hired easily. Nevertheless, some teachers had tenured in this district up to their retirement period and some had flourished and raised their professional status and positions. The ground for conducting this study is that it is intended to shed light on what influences how teachers feel about their work and profession so that positive job-related attitudes may be cultivated. Theoretical Background The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, a motivation theory, laid the foundation for job satisfaction theory. It is founded in the premise that goals or needs underpin by being the fundamental source of all desires. This theory explains that people seek to satisfy five specific needs in life – physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization. In the levels of the five basic needs, the person does not feel the second need until the demands of the first have been satisfied, nor the third until the second has been satisfied, and so on (Evan,2010). According to Hackman Oldham (2007), Frederick Herzberg’s Two factor theory (also known as Motivator Hygiene Theory) attempts to explain satisfaction and motivation in the workplace. This theory states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven by different factors – motivation and hygiene factors, respectively. An employee’s motivation to work is continually related to job satisfaction of a subordinate. Motivation can be seen as an inner force that drives individuals to attain personal and organizational goals. Motivating factors are those aspects of the job that make people want to perform, and provide people with satisfaction, for example achievement in work, recognition, promotion opportunities. These motivating factors are considered to be intrinsic to the job, or the work carried out. Hygiene factors include aspects of the working environment such as pay, company policies, supervisory practices, and other working conditions. However, Path-Goal Theory contends that the leader must motivate subordinates by: (1) emphasizing the relationship between the subordinates own needs and the organizational goals; (2) clarifying and facilitating the path subordinates must take to fulfill their own needs as well as the organizations needs (google. com,2010) Another well-known job satisfaction theory is the Dispositional Theory (Jackson April 2007). Accordingly, it is a very general theory that suggests that people have innate dispositions that cause them to have tendencies toward a certain level of satisfaction, regardless of one’s job. This approach became a notable explanation of job satisfaction in light of evidence that job satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and jobs. Moreover, a significant model that narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was the Core Self-evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge in 1998. Judge argued that there are four Core Self-evaluations that determine one’s disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, general self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism. This model states that higher levels of self-esteem (the value one places on his/her self) and general self-efficacy (the belief in one’s own competence) lead to higher work satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control (believing one has control over her\his own life, as opposed to outside forces having control) leads to higher job satisfaction. Finally, lower levels of neuroticism lead to higher job satisfaction (Wikipedia,2010). Evans (2001), gives eight stages progression for a teacher moving from a modest level of job satisfaction towards a higher level of job satisfaction towards which is helpful. These are the following: first is being aware that there is a problem. Being aware that there is an issue, and agreeing what issue is, is by far the most important aspect of seeking to change a situation. Then devising a strategy. Once they know what the issue is that they are addressing they can start work on devising a strategy to solve it. It is followed by effecting the new strategy. It means that once they have decided what to do, they have to start work on implementing this strategy. Fourth stage is awareness of having made changes work. This implies that there is excellent communication in school. Next stage is perception that this is all worthwhile. By this stage everyone needs to start feeling better about the work being undertaken. Then sixth stage is each teacher needs to feel good about his or her own contribution to the scheme of change. In this way, teachers become not only positive about the change programme, but they also see their contribution as being significant. Seventh is a sense of achievement. This comes from the feeling of a job well done. Lastly is job fulfilment and job comfort. By this stage teachers feel good about themselves and about the job and most important about their ability to affect their meaningful way. However, according to Weis, (2010) job satisfaction can also be seen within the broader context of the range of issues which affect an individuals experience of work, or their quality of working life. Job satisfaction can be understood in terms of its relationships with other key factors, such as general well-being, stress at work, control at work, home-work interface, and working conditions. Stress as defined by Hans Selye, is the non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it. It is not nervous tension, but the wear and tear of life. Stress describes the effects of the body’s reaction to pressure. The source of stress, called stressor, may be purely physical, social, or psychological. The mind may interpret it as pleasant or unpleasant. Whatever meaning it gives, the mind sends it via two pathways. One pathway, is known as the subconscious appraisal pathway, is responsible for the physical and emotional reflexes of the body. The other pathway, responsible for voluntary actions, is used for perception, evaluation, and decision – making. In this other pathway, the individual is made aware of the environmental demands. As he perceives his situation, he interprets it according to his previous experiences, value system, self-concept, ego-strengths, attitudes and feelings. Emotions are usually aroused which in turn give color to the person’s interpretation (Fabella, 2008). According to Good Health Handbook, life and stress are interwoven with each other. It depends on how you view life and how stress affects you. Stress is a highly individual phenomenon. It is strange in its own way – because when it occurs it becomes difficult for the body and mind to adjust to the pattern of life. However, Fabella stated in his book, that stress can be minimized and channelled for growth and development, and life can be filled with joy, peace, love and security. He added accordingly, that stress- resilient people have been observed to have a specific set of attitudes toward life- an openness to change, a feeling of involvement in whatever they are doing, and a sense of control over events. He further said that man who places his entire self in the sphere of work neglecting love (family) and play (sports, hobbies, socializing, friendships) decreases his overall adaptability. If he defines his existence in terms of achievement in his work, he will find that if for external reasons (i,e. , poor health) or boredom ( loss of interest or loss of faith in his employer) his work loses meaning, then so will his life. He will become demoralized, confused, and unable to function. Mayo Clinic stated that there is a link between work approach and job satisfaction. Work is often approached from three perspectives. Usually all three perspectives are important for job satisfaction, but one is often the priority: First is, Its a job. If you approach work as a job, you focus primarily on the financial rewards. In fact, the nature of the work may hold little interest for you. Whats important is the money. If a job with more pay comes your way, youll likely move on. Next is, Its a career. If you approach work as a career, youre interested in advancement. You want to climb the career ladder as far as possible or be among the most highly regarded professionals in your field. Youre motivated by the status, prestige and power that come with the job. The third is, Its a calling. If you approach your job as a calling, you focus on the work itself. You work less for the financial gain or career advancement than for the fulfillment the work brings. One approach isnt necessarily better than the others. But it is helpful to reflect on why work if unsatisfied with the job and are ready to move on. Think about what originally drew on the current job, and whether it may be a factor in lack of job satisfaction. Additionally, the Clinic noted several ways to increase job satisfaction depending on the underlying cause of the lack of job satisfaction. One is by Improving job skills. Keeping abreast to the new strategies and techniques, and by attending seminars. Developing a new project also helps. Working on something one care about can boost confidence. Mentoring a co-worker. Once a job is mastered, it is a becoming routine. Helping a new co-worker or an intern advance his or her skills can restore the challenge and the satisfaction you desire. However, when personal abilities do not match the responsibilities, boredom will attack. Keep in mind that boredom can literally be deadly if a job involves working with machinery or caring for people, much more on dealing with children. If the mind is wandering to the point that a life or the lives of others is put in jeopardy, take action now. Stay positive. Use positive thinking to reframe thoughts about the job. Changing one’s attitude about work will not necessarily happen overnight or increase job satisfaction overnight. Stop negative thoughts. Put things in perspective. Look for the silver lining. Reframing can help find the good in a bad situation. Learn from mistakes. Failure is one of the greatest learning tools, but many people let failure defeat them. Be grateful. Gratitude can help focus on whats positive about the job.
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